About Us

Survivior was initiated to help people prepare for
 the worst scenarios with reasonable aims. 

What happens if all this suddenly comes to an end? What will happen if our town or country or the whole world turns into a disaster area? A battlefield? How can we survive this and give ourselves and loved ones a good starting point?


No conspiracies, but reasonable scenarios

Although exciting, we do not like conspiracies or doomsday theories. Yet, we know that our modern lives, in which we are 100% certain we’ll have food, water, medicine, electricity, internet and protection might come to a dramatic halt. It can be a storm that cuts supplies for a few days, a tsunami, a war, riots or a pandemic. 



Frankly, concise content

We will try to give meaningful and concise content that will help us get prepared for short and long term periods. We will also share reviews and info about products for this purpose, some of which we have affiliate connections with. We urge you to tell us what you think.


Yours sincerely,


Survivior - How to survive a catastrophe