Preparedness Basics

Three Universal Rules For Survival Everywhere

How do you go to the mountains, survive in the wilderness, go on a trip and come back without rescue help, or just go to a movie and come back ...

Survival Tips: How To Survive On A Desert Island

Most people associate deserted islands with paradise beaches from Bounty commercials, azure skies, tropical fruits, and long-awaited silence, ...

Survival Factors

Survival factors are a set of conditions that have a positive or negative impact on the body and the situation as a whole. Psychological factors of ...

Chemical Attack: How To Protect Yourself Quickly And Effectively

 In an emergency where chemical weapons are a threat, how can you protect yourself from poisoning by deadly chemicals like ammonia and chlorine? How ...

Essential Survival Skills For Kids

Parents should think about teaching their children some essential survival skills in addition to the moral principles of the good and the bad. Not ...

How to Survive The Life-Threatening Scenarios

Life is full of surprises, especially those that easily put it in danger. We decided to share some unique survival tips with you to better prepare ...

Fundamental Survival Principles

There are four fundamental principles of survival: Mindset, Tactics, Skills, and Equipment. It is in this order because the correct positioning of ...

How To Survive In A Desert

The desert and vast sandy areas are some of the most dangerous and difficult to cross terrain in the world. Difficulties in crossing the desert arise ...

Survival In Extreme Cold

Survival at low temperatures is a rather difficult task, which, however, can be mastered. A person who finds himself in such conditions will have to ...

Antibacterial Wearables

The coronavirus pandemic has increased consumer interest in antibacterial materials, from which some brands have already begun to sew clothes. ...

Top Prepper’s Mistakes

Mistakes are made by everyone who does something - extra supplies, harmful things, and other unnecessary items that either only give the appearance ...

Top 5 Prepping Trends to Watch in 2023

In a world that is constantly evolving, it is essential to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to prepping. Prepping, or the practice of preparing ...

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Survivior - How to survive a catastrophe