Survival factors are a set of conditions that have a positive or negative impact on the body and the situation as a whole.
Psychological factors of survival
Panic and fear are instinctive and the most common reactions to the unknown, to something that cannot be explained, to something that is happening rapidly and breaking patterns. Due to emotional overload, our brains can go into a stupor in an attempt to save ourselves. The sooner you come to grips with yourself, the sooner you can make the right decisions.
Uncertainty – lack of clarity and instructions can break you. If you don’t have motivation, a goal, and a plan to achieve it, you may completely lose the desire to do anything. This, in turn, can lead to despair and apathy.
Firstly, lack of will and despair – not wanting to fight the circumstances, even with the most appropriate equipment, will not help you cope with the situation. The reason is simple – you just don’t want to do it. When circumstances are stacked against you, find the strength to make another attempt or take some action. Fight, keep going, and don’t lose hope! Will and desire to survive – a strong will, determination, and desire to survive will help you cope with the most difficult situations.
Awareness and assessment of the situation – what threatens you and how to avoid it, what you need to provide yourself with for survival and comfortable existence.
An action plan – what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and to whom to do it. Questions like these, along with your survival priorities, will help you plan your strategy and outline your action plan.
Physiological factors of survival
Physical fitness – situations that directly threaten your life, in one way or another, are related to physical activity. Long walks, carrying heavy loads, and searching for water and provisions will be very tiring for you if you are not in shape. Spend time hiking, exercising, and having a good time. It will be worth it.
Injuries and illnesses – No matter how much you want to, you won’t be able to function as you normally would in the event of an illness or injury. Your functionality will also decrease if you are exhausted, hungry, thirsty, or sleep-deprived. Monitor your condition at all times.
Geographical factors
Weather and terrain will have a direct impact on your condition. Use them to your advantage instead of becoming a victim of them. Knowing the terrain and being prepared for weather conditions will help you minimize the negative impact that weather changes or unforeseen circumstances can have.
Consumables and resources – elements of the environment that can be used to provide yourself with the necessary and comfortable conditions: water and food supplies, batteries and fuel, medicines, tools, etc.
Situational factors
Availability of appropriate equipment – have you brought warm clothes in case the temperature drops? Will you be able to get a fire if it rains? Do you have the necessary tools? It’s important to have the best equipment available. You don’t want it to fail you at the most crucial moment.
Interaction with the group and society – we are all different, and we react differently to the same things. A well-coordinated team is always better than random passers-by. Moreover, it is always easier to move towards a goal together than when everyone is on their own.
Loneliness – no matter how big the group is – is still better than being alone, because loneliness has additional complications starting with the fact that there is no one to talk to, and ending with the fact that there is no one to help you in case of injury.
Survival factors and their interactions influence your survival priorities, which are based on your body’s needs and, unlike factors, do not change in most cases. Stay safe!