Interesting Survival Rules

Today we will talk about interesting rules for survival in extreme conditions! These rules are not difficult to remember, they are very simple, but under certain circumstances will help us to save lives!

 Do not eat raw food!

Never put your digestion at risk. In order not to get indigestion or other stomach diseases, be sure to boil or fry your delicious survivalist dinner, whether it is locusts, wild animals, or old vegetables that are already starting to spoil. Water must be filtered, followed by boiling!

To get poisoned in survival conditions is tantamount to your death, so always be careful and accurate!

Try not to sweat

When sweating profusely, the human body begins to lose heat many times faster than in normal conditions. If you want to deal with moisture or water in the bitter cold, take off your outer clothing, and if you get wet – be sure to dry it on the fire!

 Rule of threes

Remember this rule of threes: a person can last without breathing air for exactly 3 minutes, without eating food for 3 weeks, and without water – only 3 days! This rule will help you determine how much time you have left. Maybe it is not comforting, but a real fact!

Keep track of time

You can’t lose track of time or you risk your mental stability. If you stop orienting yourself in the time of day, your brain can play hallucinations and other abnormal tricks on you!

Do not consume food in the absence of water

When you eat food, your body needs water. The more we eat, especially protein food, the more water we need! Before you start eating, stock up on water, otherwise, it’s better to starve or consume fruits and vegetables.

Don’t waste energy!

If you breathe through your mouth, your body will spend many times more energy than when breathing through your nose. Also, when breathing through the mouth – you lose precious moisture, which you already lack in the conditions of survival. So, try to always breathe through the nose to save energy!

Eat properly!

Consume just enough food to stay afloat and not weaken. We need to always be on the lookout. The stock of provisions must be saved!

Make notches on the route

Relying on memory in extreme conditions is not worth it, it is much more reliable to mark your route, make a notch on a tree, and leave other notable traces to return easily, if necessary.

Look for shelter

First and foremost, you should look for a windproof and secluded place where you can easily wait out bad weather, sun, heat, or storm. Shelter can be found anywhere,  where there are secluded caves and places.

By following these simple rules, you can easily survive bad weather and difficult conditions, and just wait for help!

We hope you will never need these rules, but if an extreme situation happens to you, pull yourself together and apply them to keep yourself healthy and alive! Stay safe!

Survivior - How to survive a catastrophe