The Best Prepping Advices That Most People Ignore

In today’s uncertain world, being prepared for emergencies and disasters is becoming increasingly important. While many prepping tips are widely known and shared, there are some valuable pieces of advice that often go unnoticed. In this article, we will explore the best prepping advice that most people ignore. These unconventional tips can make a significant difference in your preparedness efforts and potentially save lives.

Preparing for emergencies involves more than just stockpiling supplies. It requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses mental preparedness, resourcefulness, and adaptability. By focusing on these often overlooked aspects, you can enhance your prepping strategy and increase your chances of survival in various scenarios.

Test Your Mental Strength

While physical preparedness is crucial, mental strength plays an equally important role. Many preppers assume they will handle any disaster with ease due to their extensive preparations. However, when faced with unexpected challenges, their confidence can backfire. To truly test your mental strength, step out of your comfort zone and engage in activities that push your limits. Additionally, practice problem-solving skills and quick thinking to effectively handle unforeseen situations.

Don’t Plan to Rely on Just Yourself

Self-reliance is a fundamental principle of prepping, but relying solely on yourself can be a grave mistake. Building a support network and collaborating with like-minded individuals can significantly improve your chances of survival. In a group, diverse skills and strengths complement each other, providing a higher level of security and resourcefulness. Recognize that even those considered “weak” may possess unique abilities that can contribute to the group’s overall resilience.

Learn to Eat Insects

In a survival situation, finding reliable sources of food can be challenging. While many preppers focus on hunting game, it is essential to consider alternative food sources. Insects offer a readily available and abundant protein source. Educate yourself on identifying and safely consuming edible insects. This knowledge can prove invaluable during extended periods of scarcity or when conventional food sources are scarce [1].

Start Living Below Your Means Right Now

Living below your means is a key financial strategy that supports effective prepping. By reducing unnecessary expenses and saving money, you can allocate more resources towards emergency supplies and long-term sustainability. Evaluate your spending habits, identify areas for reduction, and redirect the saved funds towards building your prepping inventory.

Don’t Blow All Your Money In The First Month

Prepping is a long-term endeavor that requires patience and strategic planning. Avoid the temptation to exhaust your budget on a single shopping spree. Instead, approach prepping as a gradual process. Prioritize essential items and make informed purchasing decisions. As you gain more knowledge and experience, you will refine your prepping strategy and make smarter investments.

Store Plenty Of Water

Water is a vital resource for survival, and its importance cannot be overstated. It is recommended to store at least one gallon of water per person per day for a minimum of three days. Consider storing water in large, food-grade containers or invest in water storage systems designed for long-term use. Regularly rotate stored water to ensure freshness and quality.

Don’t Store Water In Old Milk Jugs

Although it may seem convenient to repurpose old milk jugs for water storage, it is not advisable. Milk residue is difficult to completely remove, creating a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Furthermore, the plastic in milk jugs may degrade over time, compromising the integrity of the container. Opt for purpose-built water storage containers that are specifically designed for long-term use.

Don’t Buy Food Your Family Doesn’t Eat

When building your emergency food supply, it is crucial to consider your family’s preferences and dietary restrictions. Stocking up on food that your family refuses to eat is counterproductive and wasteful. Instead, focus on purchasing non-perishable items that align with your family’s tastes and nutritional needs. This ensures that your emergency food supply remains practical and consumable in times of crisis.

Store More Than Just Canned Food

While canned food is a popular choice for emergency storage, it is essential to diversify your food stockpile. Include a variety of non-perishable items such as freeze-dried meals, dehydrated fruits and vegetables, grains, and legumes. This broader selection of food ensures a well-rounded diet during an extended emergency situation and reduces reliance on a single type of food [2].

Neglecting Their Skills

In addition to stockpiling supplies, honing practical skills is crucial for long-term survival. Acquire knowledge in areas such as first aid, self-defense, gardening, and alternative energy sources. Developing these skills enhances self-sufficiency and provides additional avenues for securing resources and adapting to changing circumstances. Invest time in learning and practicing essential skills that can prove invaluable during emergencies [3].

Not Having Backup Plans B, C and D

When creating your emergency preparedness plan, consider potential disruptions to your primary strategies. It is vital to have backup plans in place to account for various scenarios. Identify alternative routes, backup locations, and contingency measures to adapt to unforeseen circumstances. Flexibility and adaptability are key elements of a robust prepping strategy.

Stockpiling Food They’re Allergic to

Allergies can pose significant risks during emergencies, especially if you rely heavily on specific food items in your stockpile. Ensure that all stored food is safe for consumption by every member of your household. Rotate your stockpile regularly to prevent the accumulation of expired or allergenic items. Prioritize the health and well-being of your family by catering to their specific dietary requirements.

Not Rotating Their Stockpile

Failure to rotate your emergency food stockpile can lead to waste and compromised nutritional value. Regularly monitor expiration dates and consume or replace items nearing their expiration. Implement a system to ensure proper rotation, such as using the “first in, first out” principle. This practice guarantees that your food supply remains fresh, nutritionally sound, and readily available when needed.


In summary, the best prepping advice often goes beyond conventional wisdom. By incorporating these overlooked tips into your preparedness strategy, you can enhance your resilience in emergencies. Test your mental strength, build a support network, explore alternative food sources, and focus on practical skills. Remember to plan for contingencies, rotate your stockpile, and prioritize your family’s specific needs. By considering these often-ignored aspects of prepping, you can be better prepared to face the challenges that may arise.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I test my mental strength as a prepper? To test your mental strength, step outside your comfort zone and engage in activities that challenge you. Push your limits, practice problem-solving skills, and seek opportunities for personal growth and resilience.

2. Why is it important to have backup plans in prepping? Backup plans are essential in prepping because emergencies often unfold in unpredictable ways. Having alternative strategies and contingency measures allows you to adapt to changing circumstances and ensures your preparedness efforts remain effective.

3. Can I store water in old milk jugs for emergencies? It is not recommended to store water in old milk jugs. Milk residue is difficult to remove entirely, creating a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Invest in purpose-built water storage containers designed for long-term use.

4. How do I ensure my emergency food supply remains fresh? To maintain a fresh emergency food supply, regularly rotate your stockpile by consuming or replacing items nearing their expiration dates. Implement the “first in, first out” principle to ensure proper rotation and minimize waste.

5. Why is it important to develop practical skills in prepping? Practical skills are crucial in prepping as they enhance self-sufficiency, resourcefulness, and adaptability. Skills such as first aid, self-defense, gardening, and alternative energy sources provide additional avenues for securing resources and thriving during emergencies.

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