The End Of The World – First Steps

As noted, the first place in the list of possible causes of the apocalypse is traditionally nuclear war. Another group of popular apocalyptic theories assigns a major role in the future end of the world to various cosmic objects and phenomena.

The end of the world – or at least human civilization – could theoretically cause natural disasters due to global warming, global pandemics, overpopulation, related famines, supervolcano eruptions, and more.

In this regard, some people are preparing for the end of the world in advance. In the United States, there is a whole subculture of  “preppers”. They have a list of basic rules and tips.

Food and supplies for “the end of the world” times

First of all, you need to take care of food and water supplies. It is important to store exactly those products that can be stored for a long time without a refrigerator. Keep them in the dark, preferably in airtight packaging, while avoiding changes in temperature and humidity. For this purpose, various cereals are the best choice.

Appropriate clothing and footwear will significantly increase the probability of survival in the post-apocalyptic world. The all-season field uniform set will be an ideal option. It includes 23 items of clothing, including three pairs of shoes, and their combination allows you to use the “cabbage” style (so-called set of several layers of clothing) in a variety of conditions – in heat, rain, wind, frost (up to minus 40˚C) ) and with intense physical activity. If you do not have a set, you can use just reliable, comfortable clothes with lots of pockets.

Survival kit 

It is necessary to collect a “survival kit”. For example, in the prepared backpack, you should put items that will be most needed to survive. Their list includes: rope, several large garbage bags (can be used as bags, raincoats, or canopies), scotch tape, light, power bank, superglue, wire, threaded needles, lip balm (accelerates the healing of small wounds), liquid disinfectant, candles, matches better hunting), pocket mirror, stainless steel flask and thermos, towel, handkerchiefs, pencil, and tear-off notebook.

Transportation, shelter, and training 

You should also take care of the means of transportation. Experts believe that if the real end of the world comes, the world’s fuel will run out very quickly and the most accessible and convenient means of transportation will be a bicycle. However, in the first years, a personal car will also come in handy, but it will have to store fuel.

Every true survivor needs shelter. You need a reliable house or even a secret bunker. It all depends on available finances and imagination. It is possible to be limited to the capacity for the septic tank from shock-resistant plastic buried in the earth, from which two pipes for providing ventilation are carried out on a surface. Also, you can build a real bunker, with ventilation, generators, and airtight hatch doors.

The bunker, all supplies, and transport can be lost, but your knowledge will remain with you, so to prepare for the apocalypse you need to study books, articles, and educational videos on how to survive in the wild. You can also begin to learn in your spare time a profession or craft from among those that will be valued in the post-apocalyptic world – such as agronomist or blacksmith.

Knowledge without real experience is of little use, so it is worth training to apply it in practice. To do this, you can start going on multi-day hikes or participate in special camps for extreme survival.

Survivior - How to survive a catastrophe