There are four fundamental principles of survival: Mindset, Tactics, Skills, and Equipment. It is in this order because the correct positioning of these fundamentals is the key to your safety. It is very important to be able to prioritize.
The first thing you need to know is what the wrong mindset is. “It won’t happen to me, I don’t need it, it’s unnecessary” are typical examples of the wrong mindset.
Constant readiness, and practicing possible scenarios in critical situations is the right mindset. Fastened seat belt. An examined evacuation plan. A working fire extinguisher and a complete first aid kit. Therefore, for example, if you carry a knife, you must know how to use it and not be afraid to use it. It is the same with other means of defense. Carrying an unloaded pistol or shotgun for self-defense is a common mistake that has cost many people their lives. And this is global statistics.
Tactics is a set of actions necessary to accomplish a specific intermediate task. Simply put a set of steps to achieve certain goals. In our case, the goal is personal safety. It is important to understand that your tactics should be clear, well-developed, and convenient for you. Therefore, you must first build the right way of thinking and not hesitate at the moment when you need to act. Every second in a critical situation should be used for active action, not for thinking about the causes, consequences, and legal responsibility. Tactics logically follow from your way of thinking. If you think right, you will act right.
Skills are a set of knowledge and skills that you can use effectively, regardless of the conditions. Therefore, if you do not have the necessary skills, you need to acquire them. In terms of survival, these are:
– Hand-to-hand combat skills.
– The ability to shoot.
– Disarmament diplomacy (the ability to avoid conflict, even when it is inevitable).
– Autonomous survival skills.
– Repair, driving, and other applied skills.
Skills come after mindset and tactics in terms of importance. Because it doesn’t matter how well you know how to fight when you are attacked by armed people from whom you should and could have run away, but didn’t. The right skills will not save you from the wrong mindset.
These are items and tools that help you survive. A common mistake is to put equipment above your mindset, tactics, and skills. Equipment without you is just expensive scrap. It will not save you from your tactical mistakes. But equipment with the right mindset, tactics, and skills will significantly increase your chances of survival. Example: the same group of aggressive young men, a dark street, you have a WEAPON that you know how to use. Let’s assume that a conflict with them is inevitable. Your correct actions are: keep your weapon unobtrusively ready; be ready to use it, and use it without hesitation. In such a situation, you need to prepare an escape plan. Do not let your equipment outweigh your mindset and tactics.
Basic principles of self-defense
Below is the list of qualities crucial for personal safety in any situation. It was formed by Jeff Cooper in his book “Principles of Personal Defense”.
– Alertness
– Determination
– Aggressiveness
– Speed
– Coolness/Clearness of action
– Cruelty
– Unexpectedness
You must always be vigilant, observe the environment around you, and notice unusual behavior in people. You need to know what is happening around you and be prepared for the unexpected. The ability to make quick, rational decisions is often not something that the average citizen is used to, but it is something that needs to be developed. Do not let doubts prevail over common sense. Do not let emotions take over your mind. Stay cool, don’t lose your focus. Be strict, uncompromising, and unexpected. We hope this knowledge will help you in a critical situation. Stay safe!