How To Act In Urban Environment During The Earthquake

Earthquakes are still can often strike our planet. When it happens to urban survival, there are a lot of advice and precautions that will help you survive this natural disaster.

This winter, a devastating earthquake occurred in the south of Turkey. It also hit Syria. At the same time, weaker earthquakes occurred in many regions around the globe.

Therefore, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the material on how to act during this disaster in an urban environment.

Earthquakes are underground shakes and vibrations of the Earth’s surface. They occur due to sudden displacements and ruptures in the Earth’s crust or upper mantle of the Earth, which are transmitted over long distances and appear as oscillations.

First steps

It is necessary to act as quickly and accurately as possible. You must follow important rules that will save your life:

– don’t panic;

– stay away from falling debris;

–  immediately run outside to the most open place;

– do not use the stairs or the lift if you are in a high-storied building. There will be a crowd at the exit of the building, and the elevators may not work;

– run out of the house quickly;

– move away from tall structures.

In the car

In case you are in a car, open the door and wait for the shakes to stop. Check for any casualties nearby. If there are any, call the rescue team to provide first aid.

In addition, follow these rules:

– do not stop under bridges, overpasses, and power lines;

– when parking the car, do not block the road for other vehicles;

– drive and stop the car away from balconies, eaves, and trees;

– if possible, do not use a car, but move on foot.

General recommendations for urban survival

– Calm down children and people who are nervously exhausted, evaluate what happened;

– if possible, help the injured, call for medical assistance;

– check whether your home has been damaged;

– everything near the house must be looked over very carefully because a sudden collapse can happen, as well as danger from gas leaks, power lines, broken glass;

– check the state of home supplies;

– boil drinking water before drinking, as it may be contaminated;

– check whether there is no danger of fire;

– do not explore the destruction zones;

– avoid the sea coast, where there may be danger from sea waves;

– be ready for the next wave of shakes;

On a train or in the metro

If you drive at night, there will be no light, so you will have to act without it (electricity can be cut off due to strong shakes);

– in the subway, underground stations are a safe place in the event of an earthquake (metal structures allow them to withstand shocks well).

 Under debris in the urban evironment

– look for any object to provide you with light or sound signals;

– do not light candles that burn oxygen;

– in the case when the only way out is a narrow passageway, it is necessary to advance through it. Try to move forward carefully.

Hopefully, our recommendations will help you survive this calamity should it happen. Stay safe!

Survivior - How to survive a catastrophe