Survival Experts Of The World

When the end-of-the-world comes, and only a selected few remain alive, you can be sure that the survival experts listed below will be among them. Adapting to new, not always favorable conditions, became their job. 

Citizens of the post-apocalyptic world simply cannot do without the colossal experience and knowledge of just a handful of extreme people. All of them became famous all over the world for their cycles of programs about survival. In each of their episodes of survival, they do what most people simply would not have had the courage to do.

You should be ready to deal with emergency events that force you to live significantly outside of your regular activities, whether they are caused by natural disasters or conflicts.  If you’re not sure where to begin, that’s okay. Many survival experts willingly share their knowledge on how to survive in a crisis.

We prepared a list of the most respected experts in survival knowledge. 

Les Stroud

Have you ever heard of the program Survivorman? It was created by Canadian author and survivor specialist Les Stroud, who has also produced several other programs with a survivor topic.

The survival expert Stroud trained people in outdoor survival as an instructor. He learned a lot of what he knows on his own, but he also imparts survival skills like effectively farming your food and surviving off the grid.

Bear Grylls 

The British presenter became famous on the TV program “Survive at all costs”. Of the current TV projects of this extreme, one should also highlight “Star Survival with Bear Grylls” and “Island with Bear Grylls”. He repeatedly found himself in extreme situations in which he had to cling to any opportunity to survive. To visually demonstrate ways to preserve his strength, he eats unpleasant living creatures and drinks disgusting liquids. 

Every time Bear finds himself in another trouble, he has at least some equipment at hand (knife, flask, etc). He uses everything that comes to hand to the fullest, letting the viewer understand that to survive, it is enough to follow some simple rules.

Ed Stafford

Simply fantastic willpower and endurance helped Ed Stafford get into our list of the coolest survivalists. Ed Stafford does everything on his own! Moreover, he walked all alone along the bed of the Amazon, spending 2.5 years on it. This event immortalized his name in history since no one in the world could do it. The Discovery Channel simply could not miss such a talent, so they instructed Ed to host the Naked Survival and First Man Out series of programs. During his extreme forays into nature, Ed Stafford loves to philosophize about life and show by personal example how little a person needs to be happy.

Ray Mears

This survival expert is the most sedentary survivalist of all, who prefers not to waste energy looking for a way to escape from an uncomfortable environment. Therefore, if you are not particularly strong in tracking and orienteering, then we advise you to watch the programs of the “Art of Survival” cycle. Ray’s baggage of knowledge will help you calmly wait for the rescuers to arrive exactly where you are lost.

Ray Mears publishes books about the science of survival, cooking, nature, life, and traditions of little-known peoples.

Learning how to survive in a world where catastrophes might happen at any time is no simple undertaking. Fortunately, those with strong survival instincts like those mentioned above can educate and train individuals across the globe.

Besides learning from great survivalists, equipping your household is one of the ideal ways to start your survival preparations. The most crucial resources to have are food and water. Here you can find our tips about food and water preparation. Stay safe!

Survivior - How to survive a catastrophe