Salt for Preppers: The Importance of Salt for Survival

Salt is an essential nutrient that the human body needs to function properly. It is responsible for regulating the fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contraction in the body. Salt also helps to maintain the pH level of the blood and assists in the absorption of nutrients.

In the event of a catastrophe or emergency situation, salt deficiency can become a serious problem for preppers. This is because our bodies cannot produce salt on their own, and we rely on external sources to meet our daily requirements. Here are some ways to ensure adequate salt intake in emergency situations:

  1. Stockpile salt: It is important to stockpile salt as part of your prepper supplies. Salt has an almost indefinite shelf life, so it is a good idea to purchase large quantities and store them in a cool, dry place.
  2. Include high-salt foods in your stockpile: Certain foods are naturally high in salt, such as cured meats, canned soups, and pickled vegetables. These can be included in your stockpile to help meet your salt requirements.
  3. Consider salt tablets: Salt tablets are a concentrated form of salt that can be taken orally. These tablets are designed to replace the salt lost through sweat during physical activity, but can also be used in emergency situations to help maintain salt levels in the body.
  4. Know the signs of salt deficiency: Symptoms of salt deficiency include fatigue, muscle cramps, nausea, and dizziness. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to consume salt immediately.
  5. Consider natural sources of salt: If you are in a survival situation, you may be able to find natural sources of salt in the environment. For example, seawater can be evaporated to produce salt, and some wild plants contain salt.

How to overcome salt deficiency in case of a catastrophe

During an emergency situation, it may be difficult to access salt sources such as packaged foods or even salt water. Here are some ways to obtain salt in such situations:

  1. Salt mining: If you are fortunate enough to live near a salt mine, you can extract salt from it. This can be done by heating rocks of salt until they melt, and then allowing the liquid to cool and solidify.
  2. Saltwater evaporation: If you are near the ocean or another body of saltwater, you can evaporate the water and collect the salt that is left behind. This can be done by heating the water in a container until the water evaporates and the salt is left behind.
  3. Salt-rich plants: There are certain plants that are high in salt content, such as seaweed and some desert plants. These can be harvested and used as a source of salt.
  4. Animal products: Certain animal products, such as blood and bones, contain high amounts of salt. In a survival situation, these can be used as a source of salt.

It is important to note that these methods may not provide a consistent and reliable source of salt. It is still recommended to stock up on salt and other essential supplies before an emergency situation occurs.


Survivior - How to survive a catastrophe