land-navigation in times of no Internet or satellites

In a world without the internet or satellites, navigating on land can be a daunting task, but with the right preparation and knowledge of the terrain, it can still be possible. In the event of a catastrophe, such as a natural disaster or societal collapse, being able to navigate without modern technology can mean the difference between life and death. In this article, we will discuss the different methods of navigation on land in a world without internet or satellites, and what items you need to prepare for such a situation.

  1. Map and Compass Navigation

One of the most reliable methods of land navigation is using a map and compass. It involves plotting your location on a map and then using a compass to determine the direction of your desired location. In a world without satellites, maps may be hard to come by, so it is important to have a good supply of topographical maps for the area you will be navigating in. Topographical maps show the terrain and elevation and can help you plan your route. A compass is also essential, and it is important to know how to use it properly. You should also carry a protractor or a similar tool to help you measure angles on the map.

  1. Dead Reckoning

Dead reckoning is a method of navigation that involves calculating your current position based on your previous position and the distance and direction you have traveled since then. This method requires you to have a good sense of direction and distance estimation. To use this method, you will need a compass, a map, and a way to measure distances, such as a pedometer.

  1. Natural Navigation

Natural navigation involves using natural elements, such as the sun, stars, and wind, to navigate. For example, the position of the sun can help you determine the direction and time of day, while the direction of the wind can indicate nearby bodies of water or higher elevations. Knowing how to read the stars can also be helpful, but this requires knowledge of constellations and the time of year. A sundial can also be a helpful tool for determining time of day.

Items to Prepare for Navigation in a Catastrophe

In a world without the internet or satellites, it is important to be prepared with the right tools and knowledge. Here are some items you should consider having on hand for navigation:

  1. Maps – Make sure you have topographical maps of the area you will be navigating in.
  2. Compass – A compass is essential for navigating, so make sure you have a good-quality compass and know how to use it properly.
  3. Pedometer – A pedometer can help you measure the distance traveled.
  4. Protractor – A protractor or similar tool can help you measure angles on a map.
  5. Sundial – A sundial can help you determine the time of day.
  6. Binoculars – Binoculars can help you survey the terrain ahead and identify landmarks.

Navigating on land in a world without the internet or satellites may seem daunting, but with the right preparation and knowledge, it is possible. Map and compass navigation, dead reckoning, and natural navigation are all methods that can be used to find your way. It is important to have the right tools on hand, such as maps, compasses, and pedometers, as well as a good sense of direction and distance estimation. In a catastrophic situation, being able to navigate without modern technology can be a life-saving skill.

Survivior - How to survive a catastrophe