Survival at low temperatures is a rather difficult task, which, however, can be mastered. A person who finds himself in such conditions will have to fight both cold and hunger since getting food will not be easy at all.
First and foremost
- Building a snow shelter is necessary. First of all, you need to take care of shelter from the cold. Even if you do not have a shelter, it is quite easy to create one in the snow.
- Warm clothes are important. For better heat retention, it is necessary to dress in layers (a pair of thin sweaters is better than one thick one). At the same time, clothes should not fit too tightly to the body (with the help of crumpled paper, you can create a space between clothes – this allows you to keep warm better). It is better to give preference to woolen clothes, as well.
- Good nutrition is vital. Since the body burns a large amount of energy in extreme cold, you need to eat high-calorie foods. This includes fatty foods, sweets, and meats. But there is not always a choice.
Survival advice
– When moving in the cold, you must do everything calmly and measuredly. In this case, it is necessary to breathe through the nose, not very deeply and not too often.
– Do not stay in one place without moving for a long time, well, unless you are in a shelter.
You can sit inside the snow cave for several days. If during this time no one comes out to save you, you will have to take risks and break through to civilization yourself. Wait until the weather is more favorable to leave the shelter. A sunny day will be perfect. The sun’s rays will warm you, and the clear sky is much easier to navigate.
– Cover all parts of the body with clothes, not forgetting about the face. For example, the mouth and chin can be hidden in the collar. Or you can even wrap your whole face with a scarf. However, you need to exhale in such a way that you do not moisten your clothes with your breath.
– Maintain body temperature with limb massage. They freeze first, so you need to move the blood from the warm center of the body to its ends. Rub your feet and hands without gloves, with direct skin-to-skin contact. Pay special attention to your legs. Frostbite occurs most frequently in the lower extremities. Better to wear mittens than gloves. In this case, the fingers, being together, will be warm.
– Avoid prolonged skin contact with metal objects.
– With extreme caution, step on the ice of water bodies (especially rivers). After all, getting wet in such a situation is equivalent to death.
Food and water
To survive, you also need to stock up on food supplies. You have water all around you, you just need to melt it. But food plays a significant role. In cold conditions, metabolic processes are accelerated. The food that enters the body is digested quickly and releases heat energy in large quantities. Life processes such as breathing and heartbeat slow down and blood vessels constrict.
In conclusion, we would like to say that you will resist the cold for as long as you are ready for such loads. Don’t be afraid, since fear can speed up the freezing process. Mentally set yourself up for victory, and be sure of your survival! Stay safe!