Urban Survival: Rules of Surviving War In The Big City

When war comes to a big city, people quickly learn to distinguish between types of explosions, to look after themselves without water, and to react instantly to the sound of an air siren. But there is a list of simple truths that will help save lives.

Don’t panic

Panic is a bad helper. It takes away from a person the ability to think and act rationally. Therefore, try to keep calm and follow the instructions.

Do not go down into various places and basements that are not equipped as a shelter

First, if you are stuck under the obstruction, they won’t be looking for you there. Secondly, if it is not a shelter, then the probability that this place is safe is extremely small. In such a place, there will be no supplies of water and food, which help to survive hostilities. There are also no emergency exits, and you will find yourself in a hopeless situation.

Follow the two-wall rule

If the shelling started when you were in the house, you should stay as far as possible from the windows, preferably in the corridor, at the point of connection with the load-bearing wall. During the shelling, it is desirable to be under a blanket or any other cover. It’s better to hide in bomb shelters, and the two-wall rule is just in case you’re caught off guard when the shelling started unexpectedly.

Do not go near the windows

A mortar shell may fly right into the window. But the biggest danger is the broken glass. Flying out at high speed, glass fragments turn into sharp knives that can cut arteries and cause other, often fatal, injuries to a person.

Keep an eye on your phone

To always stay in touch during such difficult periods, you should charge the battery of your phone at every opportunity.

Here are some general recommendations to help keep your phone charged:

  • Keep your power banks charged.
  • Enable power saving mode.
  • Turn on the screen as rarely as possible.
  • Delete all non-critical applications that are actively using the battery.

Keep track of water and food supplies

Your emergency suitcase should contain a set of products for the first few days. We recommend:

  • bottled water
  • canned goods;
  • tourist dry rations;
  • black chocolate;
  • bars;
  • packaged thin dried sausages;
  • galettes, cookies;
  • nuts, dried fruits;
  • instant purees and noodles;
  • sticks with instant coffee and/or tea bags.

Restock your food and water supplies as soon as possible. Here are the products you should pay attention to:

– ready-to-eat canned meat or fish, canned vegetables, fruits, and berries. Be sure to take care of the canning knife;

– bars (protein, cereal, fruit bars);

– flakes, granola, bread;

– peanut butter;

– dried fruits, berries;

– canned juices;

– pasteurized milk;

– nuts;

– baby food (if necessary).

These products have a long shelf life and do not require additional heat treatment.

Do not go outside during curfews and street military actions

It is simply very dangerous for your life. In addition, try to observe blackouts. Do not turn on the light during the dark period of the day, so as not to attract looters.

A few more tips that help preserve life in the metropolis during hostilities:

– Follow the regime, try to eat, drink and sleep according to the usual schedule. This will help you to have strength in extreme situations.

– Trust only official sources of information

We do hope you will never need these tips. But if you do, you’ll be ready. Stay safe.

Survivior - How to survive a catastrophe