Survival Skills

Foraging For Salt: Plants That Are Rich In Sodium

In a survival situation, finding sources of food and water is essential. However, we also need salt to maintain our health, and it's not always easy ...

Self-Treating Teeth Issues: A Comprehensive Guide

In times of catastrophe or disaster, access to medical professionals and equipment can become limited or non-existent. This means that even minor ...

Essential Tips for Treating Illness In A Catastrophe

In a time of trouble, it may be difficult or impossible to access medical facilities or medications. Therefore, it is important to be prepared and ...

Unexpected Heroes: 20 Everyday Items That Can Save You

Preparing for a disaster or emergency can be overwhelming, especially when you think about all the supplies and equipment you may need to stockpile. ...

20 Advanced Uses For Old Tires: From Creative To Emergency

That isIf you have a pile of old tires lying around, don't throw them away just yet. There are plenty of ways to give them a second life. Here are 20 ...

Stockpiling for Emergencies: 7 Foods to Avoid

  When it comes to emergency preparedness, building a well-stocked pantry is crucial. While it's essential to focus on acquiring the right ...

Unconventional Uses For Bleach In Times of Crisis

In times of catastrophe and emergency situations, having a well-stocked supply of essential items is crucial. One such item that often goes unnoticed ...

3 Crops That Can Grow in Poor Soil And How To Enrich It

Growing your own crops can be an excellent way to provide for yourself and your family. However, not everyone has access to rich, fertile soil. ...

Preserving Vegetable And Other Seeds Deeds For Years To Come

Preserving seeds is an excellent way to ensure that you have a consistent and reliable source of food for years to come. Whether you are an avid ...

DIY Producing Water In Emergency Situations

In a catastrophic situation, access to clean drinking water can become scarce or contaminated. Without access to safe water sources, producing ...

Land-Navigation In Times Of No Internet Or Satellites

In a world without the internet or satellites, navigating on land can be a daunting task. However, with the right preparation and knowledge of the ...

End Times: What To Eat In A World Without Sunlight?

In the new study, scientists focused on studying how our diet would change after a powerful asteroid impact, or in the event of a nuclear winter, ...

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Survivior - How to survive a catastrophe