Food and Water: Preparing For an Emergency

Because food deliveries can be cut at any minute during a crisis, it is necessary to prepare at least a couple of days’ food supply for your family. Food with a long shelf life is preferable.

Taking into account the situation, when energy and utilities can be interrupted, food should need little or no cooking. Also do not forget that meals must suit the nutritional requirements of newborns, other family members, and pets. The emergency meal should not contain lots of spices or sault.

Sealed water

The safest way to keep water supply is sealed bottles. A person needs to drink at least two liters a day. Interestingly, in ordinary life, few of us fulfill this much-needed rule for our bodies. Rest assured, as soon as water becomes scarce, you will surely desire only one thing – liquid. It has been proven that a person can live much longer without food than without water.


Bread galettes and biscuits have a very long expiration date. You can also prepare different types of dried bread and cookies. Whole-wheat crackers have high-fat content and surely will come in handy as well.

Food in cans

Foods in a refrigerator and freezer can be used at the beginning of an emergency. However, later there can be an energy shortage, and let’s imagine, that we cannot create the temperature necessary for freezing.  In this case, you will have to eat canned foods. Canned foods can last two years or even longer.

Ready-to-eat canned meats, fruits, and vegetables will help to provide the necessary fats and minerals for your organism to function properly. 


For those who want dilatory food, it will be possible to eat cereals of all types. Better to use individually packed cereals. 

High energy food, nuts, and dried fruits mixes

Peanut butter is a must-have in your emergency food kit. Raisins, dried apricots, figs, peanuts, cashews, Brazil nuts, and many other nuts and dried fruits are invaluable sources of energy.

Storage peculiarities

First and foremost – you should thoroughly check the expiration dates on all packages. Their shelf life can be extended under certain conditions. A cold, dry, and dark environment are best. Temperatures between 5° to 20°C are ideal. Keep items away from stovetops. Many foods degrade more quickly in warm surroundings.

You have to avoid insects and rats. Food should be kept safe from them. If items in boxes are firmly wrapped or stored in airproof containers, they will last longer.

Survivior - How to survive a catastrophe